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The #DegreesNYC Youth Council is an opportunity for NYC high school, college, and non-traditional students to be a part of a youth advocacy network by working with #DegreesNYC. Our Youth Council is committed to making schools and campuses more student-ready by advocating for institutional and political reform.


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The #DegreesNYC Youth Council draws upon the lived experiences of young people to educate, advocate, and create positive change in their communities. We seek to enhance #DegreesNYC's work toward a more just, equitable, and student-ready education system. We do this by elevating youth voice, promoting civic engagement, and developing youth leadership.   


The Youth Council consists of three action areas: Media, Outreach, and Policy. Youth Council members are encouraged to participate in any of the three action areas that interest them. There is a paid fellowship opportunity available for students (both traditional and non-traditional) who can commit approximately 10-15 hours of their time monthly to the Youth Council.


#DegreesNYC Youth Fellows are also responsible for specific goals based on their action area. A breakdown of the fellowship and its responsibilities are listed below:


Media Lead:

The Media Lead is responsible for maintaining and creating content for various social media platforms under #DegreesNYC. Reports to the Policy Assistant and Policy Intern of #DegreesNYC.


Outreach Lead:

The Outreach lead is responsible for establishing and sustaining connections with other youth-led and youth-advocacy networks that focus on educational equity and suggest areas of collaboration with #DegreesNYC. Reports to the Policy Assistant and Policy Intern of #DegreesNYC.


Policy & Research Lead:

The Policy Lead is responsible for advocating and supporting campaigns launched by #DegreesNYC to enact change in NYC schools through policy. Reports to the Policy Assistant and Policy Intern of #DegreesNYC.

Would you like to join our Youth Council?

Click below to learn more about our Membership Program!

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